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My posts about programming and things.
Date format is day/month/year because I'm sane.

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some things


A while ago I started writing a project that I intended to implement into sic that would warn me when I attempt to repost a link into an IRC channel. My interest in the project faded, so I likely will never complete it.

The source code can be found in my git repo.

A month or two ago I pulled the plug on self-hosting my email and now use another provider. It isn't ideal, but whatever.

I started a manga collection and have very quickly amassed 19 volumes of series I loved. I also picked up a few volumes from the Manga guide to series. I'm currently reading the volumes on electricity and microprocessors. Very fun and educational.

I also a while ago acquired a couple stm32 dev boards that I intended to learn and use, problem being shipping took a long time and my interest bled, I need to find motivation for that again.

I am also quickly nearing 100 posts here, currently this is 97. Now that means nothing as half of it is dribble, but my sitegenerator by memory will break when it has to handle the 100th post. I hope my memory is wrong, I really don't want to look at that disgusting code again.



I created a simple program in C that prevents the X11 screensaver from starting between two times. In hindsight cronjobs would have been easier.

The source code can be found in my git repo.

Product Inventory remake


At the end of 2018 I was asked to create an inventory system for someone that wanted to document what they owned. They couldn't find a system that had the features they wanted. So I did create it, it works fine and is still active and functional today. However, the project is written in PHP and is a mess. Since then I've learnt a lot more about realtional databases and how to properly design them, so I recreated the entire system in C++ and Qt.

Currently the filtering options aren't implemented, but the table generation, category loading and database management settings work.

The entire interface in the filter tab
filter tab

The database tab
database tab

The source code can be found in my git repo.

X bell listener


I wanted to be able to run a script when the X bell is rung, so I made a program that listens for the X bell notify event and runs a user defined program when it is caught.

The source code can be found in my git repo.

urlopener re-written in C


For the longest time I was using a urlopener script I had written in Python. I pipe links from my terminal into dmenu, then into my urlopener. The urlopener launches certain programs depending on the domain and file extensions. I recently thought it'd be fun to rewrite it in C. It was fun.

The source code can be found in my git repo.

Terrible, hacky database syncing


Someone in my family wanted a custom inventory system made that was accessible from any device and had some features they couldn't find in any pre-made solution so I made my own. It works great (code not distributed, if you want it ask, GPL3), however prior to creating it they never mentioned wanting to view it away from their LAN. So I had to come up with a solution.

The server that the website (it's PHP/mysql) is located on has no access to external servers, so I had to route everything through my own computer.

My solution was cronjobs, sqldumps and sftp. Perfectly hacky.

Every hour (*/59 * * * *, each computer has a different localtime, so there isn't any concerns there) the server hosting the website creates an sql dump of the database and backups the uploaded images, my local computer then pulls that dump and backup and uploads the sql dump to my external server, which then imports it.

The images are not uploaded to the external server, but this is fine, the user indicated they only need access to the textual data off-site. It would be just too much data otherwise.

I also created a cut-down viewer for the data removing the ability to view images, add, edit and delete items.

sql dump and images backup:

name=$(date +"%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M")
mysqldump -u inventory -ppasswordhere inventory > /home/user/inventory.sql

tar -zcvf /webuser/backups/inventory_directory.tar.gz /var/www/html/inventory

cp /webuser/backups/inventory_directory.tar.gz /home/user/inventory_directory.tar.gz
downloading and uploading the backups and sql dump:
sftp user@tewi:/home/user <<EOF
get /home/user/inventory.sql /home/daniel_j/programming/inventory.sql
get /home/user/inventory_directory.tar.gz /home/daniel_j/programming/inventory_directory.tar.gz

sftp -oPort=port user@danieljon.es:/home/user	 <<EOF
put /home/daniel_j/programming/inventory.sql
Importing the database:
mysql -u inventory -ppasswordhere inventory < /home/user/inventory.sql

listen.moe song history


I had someone who listens to listen.moe complain that they had heard a song they liked but couldn't get the name of because they were driving. The website only gives you the last 3 songs played so I used their API to parse their song list and display every one that was played on a particular day in order. They found the song, and it sure is great.


import json
import urllib2
import codecs

def request(url, header, jsonpayload):
	baseurl = "https://listen.moe/api/{}";
	req = urllib2.Request(baseurl.format(url));
	req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json");
	req.add_header("Accept", "application/vnd.listen.v4+json");
	if header is not None:
		req.add_header(header[0], header[1]);
	response = urllib2.urlopen(req, json.dumps(jsonpayload) if jsonpayload is not None else None);
	return response;

loginpayload = {
	"username": "name",
	"password": "password"

def main():
	# login and get response with our token
	response = request("login", None, loginpayload);
	# extract token
	token = json.loads(response.read());
	token = token["token"];
	# request songs list
	response = request("songs", ["Authorization", "Bearer " + token], None);
	response = json.loads(response.read());
	# dump song list to file
	with codecs.open("songs.json", 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
		json.dump(response, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False);

if __name__ == "__main__":
import json

date = "2019-01-09";
songs = [];

def main():
	infile = "songs.json";
	with open(infile) as f:
		data = json.load(f)
	for song in data["songs"]:
		if date in song["lastPlayed"]:
	# sort songs by timestamp
	songs.sort(key=lambda x:x["lastPlayed"]);
	for song in songs:
		print("{} last played {}".format(song["title"].encode("utf-8"), song["lastPlayed"])); 

if __name__ == "__main__":

A simple binary counter and LED matrix


Using this same technique I emulated an 8x8 LED matrix and created a bouncing ball demo. The code can be found in my git repo.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

// website generator breaks with unicode, so fill in the unicode characters yourself

printleds(unsigned char value)
	printf("%s", "\033[1;0F");
	printf("%s", "\033[0J");
			(value & 1 << 7) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE,
			(value & 1 << 6) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE,
			(value & 1 << 5) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE,
			(value & 1 << 4) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE,
			(value & 1 << 3) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE,
			(value & 1 << 2) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE,
			(value & 1 << 1) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE,
			(value & 1 << 0) ? BLACKCIRCLE : CIRCLE

	unsigned char value = 0;
	while (1)
		if (value >= 255)
			value = 0;
	return 0;

Switched to dash as my shell


For a number of weeks now I have been using dash as my shell, replacing bash.

I have been taking tab-completion and the command history for granted and felt it appropriate to lose those luxuries.

I have also left PS1 as default, meaning 'pwd' has become a close friend.

I also re-linked /bin/sh to point to dash, meaning I had to remove all the bash-isms from my various scripts which was a fun process.

Glob patterns have replaced tab completion and carefully thinking about what I am typing removes the need for the command history and arrow-key navigation (which isn't a thing in dash, meaning you can't go back to add or change a character).

I have no intentions on switching shells back to bash, I like this kind of punishment.

Raspberry Pi 4 digit 7 segment display effects


After the last post I began playing with a real 7 segment display with 4 digits using the Pi. My goal was to create text effects without using libraries.

displayword(unsigned char str[4]) // simply display a word, use in a loop
blinkword(unsigned char str[4], int repeat) // blink word once plus any integer > 0. < 0 will blink forever
runclock(void) // display the time on the display, forever
scrollword(char *string) // scroll the string from right to left with a small buffer of extra characters
Scrolling text:

Blinking text:

The source code can be found here.
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page generated 27/9/2024 using websitegenerator in C