>Daniel's Homepage


My posts about programming and things.
Date format is day/month/year because I'm sane.

Services I run


I've realised that I run quite a few things on my server, some useful, most not:
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Server:
I run this server for myself and a few people to hang out in a free setting - http://irc.danieljon.es:6667
QWEBIRC - Online IRC Client (connects to my server):
I run this service to allow people without IRC client to connect to my server (derp* sucks) - http://danieljon.es:9090/
ZNC - IRC Bouncer:
This is a private bouncer using the ZNC software package, this allow myself and a few others to connect to multiple IRC servers using a fancy reverse DNS host (currently relaxing.in.the.stars.because-of.science)
IRSSI - IRC client:
IRSSI is a text based IRC client I run on my server inside a screen session.
Image Hosting Service:
I created an image hosting service from scratch because I figured it would be useful for assisting people with issues in #BeamNG, it turned out to just be a cool project for myself and others to use - http://upload.awful.pictures
Custom User Software:
I've also integrated the image hosting service with a register/login system custom made using PHP and MySQL, this allows you to register to services (I currently have a "Draw something" game made and a file uploading service) that are not available to the public. The database has critical information MD5 hashed with a custom salt accompanying it - your password is completely safe. - http://danieljon.es/login/
You're here right now; I point all my domains here - http://danieljon.es
I currently own and maintain one server with 3 domains:
danieljon.es - main domain used for most things - if you didn't notice it is my name, Daniel Jones - I bet you don't have your name as a domain
awful.pictures - I use this domain for my image hosting service
because-of.science - my server has a reverse DNS record that points here - it makes me look sup3r l33t in IRC.
Email server:
I currently have an email server setup - instead of using Gmail and having a something@gmail.com address I have something@danieljon.es - My main account admin@danieljon.es - this is where you can easily reach me (or IRC of course)
I will probably host a lot more in the future, but currently, this is all I need.

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