>Daniel's Homepage


My posts about programming and things.
Date format is day/month/year because I'm sane.

I don't know what to do.


I am currently in the home-stretch of recovering from my shoulder injury. I have limited, yet existing movement with my left arm and can use it for basic things, but it still hurts. I am use to doing this with my right arm now - I'm not sure if I will go back to using my left.
I have lately been playing CS:GO again. I have changed a lot of my config. My crosshair, sitting position and style, resolution, sensitivity all has been altered. I took this injury as a chance to rethink how I play as I was not progressing. I don't know if I will play CS:GO much longer. I love it, but at the same time I am sick of it.
Programming, something I love is always getting old for me. I have been using C lately and have made a cool thing or two, however ideas have stopped flowing and I am once again bored. I need a project, I need ideas.
2016 is nearing its end and I am in the same position as I was this time last year. I was supposed to be finished with highschool in 2016, however for reasons talked about before, I am here, at the end of 2016 still procrastinating, still wondering if I will complete. I am over it, sick of it, yet cannot find the motivation to finish it.

Maybe I am not motivated to finish because I don't know what the future holds? I want to become a software developer, programming is the only thing I really enjoy - but how. University is a stretch, the way I am completing high school does not lead into university - thus I'd have ot take one of the other routes, an extrance exam. But, that leads to another issue. Software development courses have math knowledge requirements that far surpass my knowledge. I have nto taken any of the prerequisit classes.

I don't know where to go from here, but what I do know is my media/posts seem to have a constant pattern of being a month apart, this is not intentional, it has just happened that way.

Does anyone read these media/posts? Who am I really talking to, maybe my future self, or maybe a future employer looking into my online history? Don't worry, just stay here and on GitHub.

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