>Daniel's Homepage


My posts about programming and things.
Date format is day/month/year because I'm sane.

Small tantrum


It has been a little while since my last blog post, and I have nothing to talk about.
I am stuck in a torrent of nothingness. Nothing excites me, nothing is making me happy. I am not progressing my skills in programming, nor am I progressing through school. Worse yet, I have been unable to maintain any form of 'skill' in counter strike. I cannot make the simpliest of kills - my aim is very off, my spray control is down-right embarassing and I am soon going to derank.
What does it take to be happy? Who knows, I certainly don't.
Maybe, just maybe I need to leave my computer for a little while and have some form of life experience - but that isn't going to happen. So here's to another week of mundane day-in-the-life animes desu and boredom.

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