>Daniel's Homepage


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simple C CLI program for adding and monitoring values


I had a personal reason for needing to insert, store and monitor specific values - I could have just used a text document or piece of paper - but that is boring, who likes boring?
The program in action is displayed below.
The program allows only 2 arguments: -l (lists the values stored) and -i (insert values), everything else is ignored.
To compile and run the program simply enter in any Linux programming environment: gcc main.c -o valueStorage;./valueStorage
The program will compile and present you with an output describing your options.
The source code is located here for anyone to use: http://pastebin.com/027YH4Qi
As always, you can contact me via my email: admin@danieljon.es or via irc: danieljon.es:9090/?channels=#fun
(if you try to use the IRC server use a realistic name that identifies yourself, if not you will be kicked from #fun)

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