Note: Your name must be 25 characters or less, and your message must be 100 characters or less.
Name | Message |
Joi | You look like a good Joe |
Daniel | its ok its already in pieces, the modules break easy and it got boring. It isn't very dangerous, it's just scary and hurts a bit. |
Mr. T-san | Please dont get into trouble Daniel-san nor hurt yourself, electricity is dangerous. |
Anonymous | very KYOOT! :DI love the background. |
Justin | Hey mate, found from the /g/angbang, I'm enjoying the website |
Daniel | Thanks friends, it means a lot :) |
Anonymous | also here from /g/, cool site man |
Anonymous | Hello from /g/! |
Anonymous | /g/ says hello |
Milkman | I am the milkman, my milk is delicious |
Daniel | ┬─┬ノ(◕◡◕ノ) everything is okay |
Anonymous | nice table (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻ |
Daniel | There is an rss feed! |
sarkozi | Hello from France. Wonderful website |
Anonymous | Any chance of an RSS feed ? |
19jessica81 | Woww reminds me of old times. Such sad. I love this page. |
Anonymous | Cool website :) |
muffin | ****o |
Gurov | Ts website a real vibe |
Anonymous | love this ill fella |
D4 | 0w0 prob one of the more interesting websites ive come across, love the layout!! |
Daniel | Thanks Mr.T-san, I appreciate it. I had fun on that project |
Mr.T-san | Liked your new phone post |
Reddit user | neat retro website, makes mine look bad lol |
Krek | Back on the good side of the internet, love it ! Take care. |
Daniel | thanks guys I'm glad you like my homepage!!! big blog post coming!!!!! |
Anon | yo sick website bro, really inspired asl |
A10 goes | BRRRRRRT |
Anon | Love the site it's very purdy |
Daniel | sir this is a wendy's... |
poop flavored curry | or curry flavored poop... which do you choose? |
Daniel | Thanks for checking out my cool homepage!! |
Kixxoh | Woah, a guest book! It’s like signing your friends broken cast in school! |