Note: Your name must be 25 characters or less, and your message must be 100 characters or less.

daniel I need to delete non english or japanese posts from here
I keep japanese because japanese is a cool language
Anonymous nice website danielle
JIDF Hey So basically Im just not gonna poke Flan. Ugh I know its just that Im not gonna is all AHAHAHAHA
Anonymous Hi saw ur post
Kixxoh i clicked on the flan TEN TIMES!
daniel guys what is your flanclicker high score? (click on flan)
Joi You look like a good Joe
Daniel its ok its already in pieces, the modules break easy and it got boring.
It isn't very dangerous, it's just scary and hurts a bit.
Mr. T-san Please dont get into trouble Daniel-san nor hurt yourself, electricity is dangerous.
Anonymous very KYOOT! :DI love the background.
Justin Hey mate, found from the /g/angbang, I'm enjoying the website
Daniel Thanks friends, it means a lot :)
Anonymous also here from /g/, cool site man
Anonymous Hello from /g/!
Anonymous /g/ says hello
Milkman I am the milkman, my milk is delicious
Daniel ┬─┬ノ(◕◡◕ノ) everything is okay
Anonymous nice table (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻
Daniel There is an rss feed!
sarkozi Hello from France. Wonderful website
Anonymous Any chance of an RSS feed ?
19jessica81 Woww reminds me of old times. Such sad. I love this page.
Anonymous Cool website :)
muffin ****o
Gurov Ts website a real vibe
Anonymous love this ill fella
D4 0w0 prob one of the more interesting websites ive come across, love the layout!!
Daniel Thanks Mr.T-san, I appreciate it. I had fun on that project
Mr.T-san Liked your new phone post
Reddit user neat retro website, makes mine look bad lol
Krek Back on the good side of the internet, love it ! Take care.
Daniel thanks guys I'm glad you like my homepage!!! big blog post coming!!!!!
Anon yo sick website bro, really inspired asl
Anon Love the site it's very purdy
Daniel sir this is a wendy's...
poop flavored curry or curry flavored poop... which do you choose?
Daniel Thanks for checking out my cool homepage!!
Kixxoh Woah, a guest book! It’s like signing your friends broken cast in school!